Category: Tech Industry

  • Dell’s University College Gaming League

    Spotted around the Northwestern university campus It seems that Dell has organised a computer gaming league for titles like COD4, WOW, Counterstrike and Forza, along with less traditional titles like Guitar Hero 3. It makes sense from the larger perspective – it’s clear that hardware has become a commodity in the PC market, and margins…

  • Hanspree in San Francisco

    I often walk down Stockton to town, and I’ve passed by this shop many times. I’ve popped in a couple of times – it’s a gadget shop, I’m a nerd – but I’m still absolutely confused as to what the store’s purpose is. You’ve probably seen the products before. If not, I offer you this…

  • Professor Tedlow at the Computer History Museum

    Learning about the birth of the IBM S/360 while at the Computer History Museum is like eating chocolate biscuits wrapped in chocolate as far as I’m concerned. Last week I tasted the goodness. What’s the System/360? Back in the day, you bought a computer and programmed for that computer alone. If you bought another one,…

  • Linuxworld in San Francisco

    Linuxworld is a meeting place between corporate IT departments and businesses trying to make a buck with Linux / Open Source. I had the chance to attend Simon Crosby’s keynote – he’s the CTO of Citrix, and used to be the CTO of Xensource before it was gobbled up. Although I was disappointed to hear…

  • HBR Case Study on Open Source

    In this month’s Harvard Business Review, a case study takes a look at how a company tussles with open source. In this post, I shall try to save you the $17 required to buy the magazine and talk about what open source is, why it’s so powerful, and why to be careful with it. What…

  • Creative Business

    During my latest trip into Silicon Valley, I had the pleasure of speaking to a couple of the gentlemen responsible for the Sound Blaster. One of them was kind enough to share an instructive insight into how this product became one of biggest hardware successes of the 90s. How It Began Back when PCs ran…

  • Mike Shaver at the Kellogg Technology Conference

    This afternoon, I had the pleasure of introducing Mike Shaver, Chief Evangelist for the Mozilla Foundation (above) as a keynote speaker for the 2008 Technology Conference here at Kellogg. In addition, we welcomed Jeff Bell, Marketing VP from Microsoft, Satjiv Chahil from HP. When we originally put the speaker lineup together, I wanted to introduce…

  • Remixing the Technology Adoption Lifecycle

    It’s clear that the music industry has had a tough time in the last few years, and there are two reasons for it. We’ve gone from an era where you needed serious investment to produce a record properly to one where most professionals use the same tools as bedroom musicians. The internet has taken distribution…

  • Kellogg Directory Search Plugin

    For those of us at Kellogg, we search for people in our online photo directory a LOT. So, I’ve found a way to create a search plugin for those of us using Firefox 2+. Here’s how to do it: Click this link This will generate a plugin on the site. In the middle of…

  • Apple Retail

    Those familiar with the UK’s PC World store chain will probably suppress a groan at its mention. It’s a box-shifter store aimed squarely at the masses. However, while there this afternoon, I was floored to see an Apple store-in-store inside. In a sense, it’s not a surprise. PC world drives a lot of footfall, and…