Non-Web Monetisation

This week, I gave a short talk on tech business model basics to the Kellogg High Tech Club. I was following an excellent talk by a colleague on web monetisation, so I focused on non-web monetisation. We weren’t able to snag a video camera, but I did punch up some audio and sync it to the slides.

This presentation was featured on the Slideshare front page on Monday 2nd Feb. Thank you Slideshare editors! 🙂


4 responses to “Non-Web Monetisation”

  1. I loved this! Good work, Dave.

    You want feedback, right?…

    But before we get onto that, a couple of bits of housekeeping:

    1. What happened to your blog? About 10 of the most recent posts appeared unread in my greader feed.

    2. How about installing the WYSIWYG comment box like what I’ve got on my site? Not that I can remember what it’s called…

  2. 3. Don’t you use more tags? I’m not sure whether I like them or not, but, meh.

    Oh, yeah, feedback…

  3. Irrelevant feedback:

    * E.U.L.A. – don’t you mean “you-lah”?
    * It’s “interface” not “inerface” you crazy americanized man

    Vaguely less irrelevant feedback

    * Who or what are the High Tech Club?
    * Didn’t that Australian Dell/Windows return guy get his money back? I thought so, but I could be wrong
    * How may in the audience use iTunes? How many paid for it? I can’t see the hands!!
    * It’s not “free” as in “beer” but “free” as in “free beer”. Beer isn’t free; free beer is free. Anyway, I feel a blog post of my own coming on…

    And finally…

    * How did you put it all together? How did you grab the audio? and then sync it up to the slides?

    But, overall, awesome! More, more!!

  4. […] it doesn’t have a voice-over like Shahid’s excellent presentation. Maybe next […]

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