The Rocket Pockets

I understand that Kellogg has a reputation for being a party school. This is just not true – people here take academics very seriously, and I’m still catching up on loss of sleep from midterms.

… but that’s me on the right of stage.


4 responses to “The Rocket Pockets”

  1. oh

    I just paused my bon jovi mp3 so have a listen to the the top video… and there you are, belting out the same song!


  2. Sushmitha


    My name is Sushmitha and i am trying to do my MBA in the US. I am applying for the fall 2008 session and am very very keen on Kellogg! Can you please get back to me at and let me know what your experience has been like there till now? I am very keen on a career in marketing. Needless to say, Kellogg is my first choice 😉 … please get back to me when time permits!

  3. Sure – I’ve sent you an email, I hope it’s helpful!

  4. Dude…this is brill!!

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