Terminal Four

Having my flight back to London delayed gave me a lovely few hours to knock together a bit of music. It’s nothing spectacular – more of a test to see how far I can push Garageband, as it’s the first time I’ve used it. You can download it if you’re curious. More than anything, it’s nice to be reminded that even though what I’m writing isn’t really that good, I can still squeeze stuff out.

The track:

  • Is all put together with Garageband soft synth instruments and effects
  • Contains no pre-cut loops
  • Has a pretty crappy drum beat, for lack of a nice drum patch set
  • Is pretty heavily quantised
  • Has a poor excuse for a song structure
  • Has a nice switch of apparent on / off beats near the start
  • Isn’t anything spectacular besides that


  • Like most Apple applications, does a fantastic job of getting you most of the way there
  • Is great if you’re just dabbling
  • Does a lovely job of integrating soft synths with real audio sequencing
  • Really isn’t enough if you want some control over your sound
  • Is going to be dumped in favour of Reason + Logic


One response to “Terminal Four”

  1. As a faithful Reason user, I agree with your dumping strategy. 🙂

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