Category: This Blog
Management For Engineers
It’s been a little while since I posted, and here’s why – I’ve been starting a new website called Management For Engineers. I originally started knocking together material for this towards the end of last year. As we progress and get more responsibility, engineers often go into management. At the same time, we have been…
Clear Admit Best Of Blogging Award
So I won … something. It looks like I’ve been awarded a “Best Representation Of Academics” award from Clear Admit. Personally, I’m just scratching my own itch – I didn’t know what the hell MBA students actually did during the course, and spewing out content is helping me structure my own thoughts now that I’m…
Best Of Blogging Nomination
My opposite number at Chicago GSB pointed out that I’ve been nominated for Clear Admit’s Best Of Blogging awards 2008. It’s great news – I’m thrilled that someone is actually reading the thing. Dear reader, I hope you are finding it useful.
WordPress 403 Error
As seems to be a common theme, I was getting a 403 error when trying to change the name of this blog. The solution was in this thread – it was the mod_security module of Apache getting in the way, and adding these lines to Apache: SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off … disabled mod_security for my…
Every good venture starts out with a statement of purpose. In order: To update family and friends on my misbehaviour while I’m away To be a somewhat useful resource for tech and business tricks To give prospective Kellogg MBAs an idea of life there To anyone who doesn’t know (including anyone at work who is…