Every good venture starts out with a statement of purpose. In order:
- To update family and friends on my misbehaviour while I’m away
- To be a somewhat useful resource for tech and business tricks
- To give prospective Kellogg MBAs an idea of life there
To anyone who doesn’t know (including anyone at work who is keeping a beady eye on me), I’m leaving the UK in Autumn for two years to start an MBA at Kellogg, in Evanston, IL. I’ll be leaving behind a lot of people that matter to me, and a blog seems like the most sensible way of staying up to date. (This is especially for my mum – normally having a parent on the internet is a worry, but in this case I’m really glad.)
I’ve always believed that the Internet is one place where people give freely – media, ideas, assistance – and I benefit from that every day. I can’t count the times when I’ve had a problem at work, and have just fired up Google to find an answer. I would very much like to give something back.
One of those things has been choosing an MBA school. I’ve found MBA blogs to be a little sporadic, but very helpful nonetheless. So I’ll be writing a little about Kellogg and how I’m getting on with it during my time there. I hope you find it useful – and if there are any prospectives out there with specific questions, just add a comment.
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